• Damaged goods: anything with water damage, mold, odor, rips, stains, or pet hair
  • Items that need repair, are sun-faded, or have missing parts
  • Every day dishes/glassware, beds/mattresses, calendar prints, posters
  • Jewelry, clothing, appliances, electronics, toys
  • Large China Cabinets, Large Amoires, Large TV Cabinets, overstuffed chairs/sofas, sleeper sofas/futons, outdated upholstered furniture, or rugs with pastel colors and floral prints.            


We schedule free pickup on Tuesdays of your approved items in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill areas. All items must be CLEAN and ready to go!


Classic Treasures is the quick and hassle-free way to recycle your furniture and accessories. You have the benefit of being in the safety and privacy of your own home while we take care of the staging and advertising of your items. Choose from the following:

  1.  Send pictures and pertinent details of your items to classictreasures@frontier.com.  We'll get back to you within 24 - 48 hours letting you know if we can accept your items and give you a free appraisal. The asking price is determined by combining your knowledge of each piece with our expertise and experience selling similar items. Your furniture will be incorporated into a designer setting featuring its full potential. All items must be clean and showroom ready!
  2. Drop by and show us pictures of your items.
  3. Bring your item(s) in to be evaluated between 3pm and 6pm, Wednesday - Friday. Please call and let us know you're coming. 919-401-5777                                                                                                   

classic treasures consignment furniture

how does furniture consignment work at classic treasures?


We are happy to BUY or CONSIGN new or gently-used furniture and home décor that are in excellent condition, marketable, CLEAN, and showroom ready! This includes Lamps with Shades, Chandeliers, Framed Artwork, Wall Art, Unique Art Sculptures and Pottery, Mirrors, Select Cut Glass, Crystal,  Porcelain, Sterling Silver, Vietri Dishes, Quality Stemware, Persian Rugs, and Quality Patio Furniture.


You receive all the benefits -- we do all the work! When we receive your items, you will be given a detailed contract. It is a 4-month contract with a 50/50 split. Your consigned items are reduced by 25% every 30 days. We've been building a strong customer base for over 21 years, so the majority of our merchandise sells within 30 days.

You will receive a check for 50 percent of the selling price along with an itemized statement. All checks are printed and mailed the month after your items sell. As a consignor, you can email us at anytime to find out the status of your items. You can help us by "liking" our facebook page and sharing with all your friends.

You may opt out of your contract at the end of the 25% markdown period. Contact us if you would like your items returned to you. You may pick them up or we can bring them back to you for a delivery charge of $75. After 4 months, any unsold or unclaimed items will become the property of Classic Treasures. We donate to Durham Rescue Mission, Pennies for Change, or Habitat for Humanity supporting our community and helping those in need.